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Hunks of Metal is a handmade jewelry business founded in Atlanta, GA. Our inspirations include the powerful and timeless aesthetic of Greek gods, the beauty of the male form, and the bold geometric shapes of the art deco style. Our skilled artisans work hard to craft unique and stunning pieces of jewelry that reflect our customers' individual styles.


Our vision is to create jewelry that makes our customers feel confident and empowered. We believe that jewelry should be more than just an accessory – it should be a statement of individuality and strength. That's why we take the time to work with our customers to create custom pieces that reflect their personalities and unique styles.


At Hunks of Metal, we're committed to providing exceptional service and high-quality jewelry that our customers can cherish for a lifetime. Whether you're looking for a bold statement piece or an elegant everyday accessory, we're here to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

Jewelry Sketches


Most of my life I have been steered in a direction of low risk, stable, sensible employment.  Art, in all its forms, was never a practical mainstay of any kind of career for me, or at least that is what I was raised to believe.  So, it's small wonder I ended up as a doctor of physical therapy, in a busy corporate clinic, with bean-counters, lawyers, and stuffed-shirt executives calling the shots.  After several years of soul-sucking indentured-servitude, a global pandemic, and a nervous breakdown, it was time for a change.


So, I decided to pursue my artistic passions, to do and make things that are liberating.  No longer would I be censored and stifled by the suits but, in stead, calling my own shots and deciding myself how much my time is worth.  I found a small one-on-one clinic to work in, which allowed time for self-care and artistic pursuits. 


Jewelry and decorative metalwork have always interested me.  As a kid, I loved movies and shows with magic swords, talismans, crowns, rings of power, and dragon-guarded treasures.  Pairing that with a love of mythology, the male physique, and playing dress-up with my great-grandmother's art deco costume jewelry (only as a kid :-P), it wasn't a big leap to start making jewelry and other metal work inspired by these things. 


It occurred to me that there is an unsatisfied demand for these sorts of design.  With so much of the retail jewelry space aimed at vanilla, hetero-normative taste for widest appeal, it's hard to find anything more than factory made facsimiles that are indistinguishable from one company to the next.  Having grown up around a very artistic mother, grandmothers, and a clever metalworking brother, uncle, and grandfather, this kind of mass-market mediocrity just grinds my gears.  So, I resolved that I would design and make pieces that stand out as something special and well made.


Now, there's a studio in my home where I sketch and render designs, shape and work metal, set precious stones, and run my little enterprise.  Generally, I make pieces that I would enjoy wearing myself, so they generally have a masculine style.  Still, I also make pretty and dainty things with a more feminine feel, usually one of a kind commissions.  There is still more to learn, skills to refine, and business acumen to develop, but so far, the ride has been a fun one.  I'm looking forward to creating more eye-catching, jaw-dropping, and sometimes alluring creations that other people can enjoy. 



- Josh Brown

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"It occurred to me that there is an unsatisfied demand for these
sorts of design."
- Josh Brown

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